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ComfortPro technology


ComfortPro technology

ComfortPro technology

This device enables blood pressure measurement during cuff inflation, which significantly enhances the efficiency and comfort of the measurement process. As a result, blood pressure readings are obtained rapidly, without causing discomfort. Measurements with ComfortPro Technology are up to 1.5 times faster compared to the traditional method, where pressure is measured during deflation of the cuff as commonly used in standard blood pressure monitors.

Rapid measurement is crucial, especially for individuals with sensitive skin or those who have hypertension and need to monitor their blood pressure regularly. It helps to prevent potential tissue injury due to prolonged pressure in the cuff. Furthermore, a preferably painless measurement process ensures that the user does not experience discomfort or strain, thus contributing to more reliable and objective blood pressure readings.

Prolife Blood Pressure Monitors with ComfortPro technology

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